“Despite the forecast, Live Like its spring”
We have had a lovely few months since Christmas with loads of little projects an activities going on around the home.
Kerrie continues her musical sing songs every Tuesday and Wednesdays to everyone’s delight. We are hearing different songs every week with great requests from everyone for favourite songs from all through the years.
Valentines day was met with a lovely project from one of our work experience ladies, Madge. A few days were spent creating heart shaped pillow bunting for the day room with all the residents involved. It looked great and everyone can be proud of the project for every year to come. Thanks Madge! Also the kids from educate together brought us in some lovely valentines day cards for all the residents and individually went around to wish everyone a Happy Love Day.
A great sing song and a dance was had with Michael Kelly for St Patrick’s Day. The decorations were up and everyone was in great spirits for the bright day. Terrie May McNulty also came down from Cork for a musical product on all things Paddy. The singing and dancing encourages movement and interaction which was met with great enthusiasm.
A project was also completed by Simon Power where 3 residents were chosen out of a hat to take part in a project where by Simon Power spoke to the residents about their lives and then went off and came back with a song for each that was tailor made to include all aspects of their lives. It was a great project and encouraged reminiscing and few laughs.
Step into Summer
We are hoping for as many lovely bright days as possible to grace the south east for the next few months and we would be delighted if everyone would take advantage of the beautiful greenery and gardens we have here surrounding the home.
The paths in the garden are accessible through the main day room at reception. The gardens are enclosed and safe. The key for the doors is at reception so please ask any of the girls and we will open the doors if they are not already. And don’t hesitate to ask for tea or coffee outside. We would love to encourage everyone to get as much fresh air as possible with their residents.
There are also too courtyard gardens within the home at either end of the building which are great sheltered areas to sit out in the air also.
The Dogs
Our two golden Retrievers, Tiny and Toby are pet therapy dogs that roam the building and the gardens. It is extremely important for their health that Strictly no one feeds these dogs. Please ensure your resident knows of this importance.
Wexford Bus
The Wexford Bus has created a wonderful service along the main road which allows for stops both outside the nursing home (on request) and on the main road adjacent to the nursing home.
The Service makes the nursing homes location very accessible for everyone. The timetables are available at reception for anyone who would like one.
The Kilmore Quay, Rosslare and Wexford Town shuttles all service Kerlogue.
Flu Vaccine
Although we are coming out of the official ‘flu season’ there is still a strain of the flu doing its rounds around the community.
We highly recommend that everyone gets their flu vaccine annually.
Should you show any signs of having the flu or any illness, we would ask you to refrain from visiting until you are of full health. As you can understand we try to keep all risks to our residents as low as possible.
Staff House
I’m sure everyone has seen the new development inside the gate on the left hand side as you drive in. This is the new staff house. It is an area for staff breaks and has changing facilities etc.
This area will be a staff only zone and parking for staff beside the house will be officially in use which will free up a lot of parking for visitors in the rest of the car park.
The paths in the front garden will be updating over the coming weeks so there will be a walk way available in the front even though we would prefer and recommend the back garden through the sitting room for residents.
No Smoking Zone
Kerlogue Nursing Home is a no smoking zone. Only residents who wish are permitted to smoke in certain areas.
If any visitors must smoke, please strictly only use the car park on the left inside the gate. Please ensure to leave the area clear of all smoking litter after you.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Office hours
Although we provide a service 24/7 and our reception is manned during the weekends, our offices are officially open from 9-5, Monday to Friday.
At the moment we are trying to keep all business and payment related activity to these office hours of 9-5 Monday to Friday. We would really appreciate if any payments or questions are submitted during these times. We realise that this may be awkward for some, however we feel it is necessary for implementing safety and efficient practices.
We also ask that direct debits are set up for the payment of the monthly invoices. As I am sure you can understand, eliminating cash and cheque payments from day to day practices just helps to create a safer working and living environment here in the home. If you haven’t already, please ask at reception for info on setting up a direct debit payment. We would be more than happy to help in any way we can.